Do you have a boudoir portrait session booked? Are you thinking of booking one? Let me help you prepare with my Top 5 wardrobe pieces for every boudoir session. I've photographed 100's of clients and from a photographers stand point, here are my favorite picks.
Number 1
A SIMPLE WHITE SHEET. Let's start with easy. One of my favorite outfits to use is nothing :) However, for this nothing I use a white sheet. There is no need to spend hundreds of dollars for the perfect outfit, gorgeous (and sexy) images can be created with just you and a white sheet. The illusion of being naked leaves a little something for the mind to wonder about when looking at an image. The imagination is a powerful tool, and this helps to ignite it. Well placed and covering just the right places makes this one of the most versatile items in my bag of tricks.

Number 2
A BEAUTIFUL MATCHING BRA AND PANTY SET, nothing beats a simple beautiful set. With the right choice and a perfect fit (fit is VERY important) this is a beautiful and great option. This is one of my top recommendations when I am helping my clients prepare for their session. It's simple, beautiful and can hold everything in the right form for some gorgeous images. You can choose as elaborate or simple as you like, strappy, lacy, sheer, halter top or strapless, all are beautiful options, and did I mention they have to have a great fit?! :)

Number 3
BODYSUITS! This is one of the most versatile options. They are sexy, can have a plunging neck line, be see through in all the right places and still give the wearer that boost of confidence we can all use when it comes to being vulnerable in front of the camera. You can even pair it with a sheer robe to help cover those areas you feel are "trouble". They are a beautiful option, even in a maternity session and can be lacy, strappy or solid. It really doesn't matter the material, they are very sexy and one of THE BEST choices to have for your session.

Number 4
AN OVERSIZED OFF THE SHOULD SWEATER, this is a staple to my studio wardrobe. An image with the right pose and garment placement can have the same type of effect as the white sheet. It leaves something to the imagination. This option can give the most uncomfortable client the boost she needs to relax in front of the camera. It helps to create an extremely sexy image while remaining covered and comfortable. I can not begin to express the difference it makes in an image for my clients to be comfortable and relaxed. This can make or break an image and we all want a gorgeous image.

Number 5
YOUR GUY'S BUTTON DOWN SHIRT. What, he doesn't have a button down? No worries, I have one of those in my wardrobe as well. A simple white dress shirt will make a beautiful image. With a little back lighting and contrast it is sexy and gorgeous! And like other options I have mentioned the client can have the feeling of being covered, hiding the areas she may be uncomfortable with AND still get an image she (and he) will love!

There you have it!
But THE most important thing to bring to your session is a comfortable YOU! Pick a photographer you trust, come to your session comfortable and relaxed and bring some of the wardrobe options mentioned here and I promise, no matter your body type, you will end up with some awesome images that both you and he will absolutely love!